Download Kinemaster Pro For PC/MAC Latest Version 2025

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kinemaster pro for pc

Kinemaster Pro for PC

Kinemaster is a video editing app designed for Android and iOS devices, with its mod version available only for Android. However, many people prefer editing videos on a PC. It’s true that video editing on a PC is more seamless and faster. All the settings are clearly visible on a PC, and when you need images and clips from outside Kinemaster, you can quickly download them from Chrome.

So, we have found a method for using Kinemaster Pro on a PC. Firstly, you will need a third-party application called an emulator. There are many emulators available in the market, but we suggest the best and free one: Bluestacks. With the help of Bluestacks, you will be able to use Kinemaster on your PC.

Download Kinemaster pro for pc

How to Download Kinemaster for PC

As mentioned above, we need a third-party application called an emulator. So, first, we have to download a good emulator, “Bluestacks.” You can follow the same steps while downloading kinemaster for iOS.

How to Download Bluestacks for PC

  • Go to the official website of the Bluestacks homepage.
  • Click on the Download Button; it will take 1 minute to download the file.
  • Go to the downloads folder of your PC.
  • Right-click on the downloaded Bluestacks file; a menu will pop up.
  • Click on the Run as Administrator option.
  • A User Account Control popup will appear for your confirmation; select Yes.
  • The Bluestacks installation screen will appear; click on the Install button and then on I Agree.
  • It’s a 160 MB file; the installation will take about 5 minutes, depending on your internet connection speed.

How to Download Kinemaster through Bluestacks

  • After installing Bluestacks, open it.
  • It will look like a new interface with Playstore and other applications. You can download any mobile app through Bluestacks.
  • Open Chrome through Bluestacks and go to the kinemaster shop site.
  • Download the file by clicking on the download button above.
  • Click on the three dots at the top right corner and go to the Downloads section.
  • Click on the downloaded file and press the Install button; it will take 2 to 3 minutes to install Kinemaster Pro on your PC.

Features of Kinemaster for PC

Kinemaster is highly beneficial on PC due to the larger screen. Let’s discuss some of its features in detail.

Larger Screen

A large screen is one of the biggest advantages of using Kinemaster on a PC. When editing video on a widescreen, all the spots and tones are clearly visible, making it easy to spot and correct mistakes efficiently. All the editing tools are easily accessible without having to search through different tabs. The large screen makes the video editing process easy and fast.

Enhanced Performance

PCs are generally more powerful than smartphones. Using video editing software on a PC provides fast and professional output. The mod version of Kinemaster for PC further enhances your editing skills and delivers good performance.

Keyboard and Mouse

Using a keyboard and mouse while editing videos significantly improves the editing experience. Typing text on Kinemaster is easier and faster on a PC than on a smartphone. The mouse enhances your workflow and maintains a steady pace without interruptions.

Storage Capacity

One of the biggest issues with editing videos on smartphones is limited storage capacity. You often have to delete files or uninstall apps to create space for HD videos. On a PC, storage capacity is not a concern, allowing you to store hundreds of HD videos without any worries.


With a PC, you can easily multitask, running Kinemaster alongside other software such as graphic design tools or browsers for research. You can also chat with clients on WhatsApp simultaneously.

Professional Output

Using Kinemaster Pro on a PC provides professional output due to better hardware, a larger screen, and higher-quality video export. Kinemaster is ideal for both beginners and professionals.

Additional Benefits of Using Kinemaster on PC

  • Efficient file management
  • Easier access to cloud storage
  • Faster rendering times
  • Ability to use external hard drives
  • Better integration with professional audio equipment
  • Enhanced security features
  • Superior display resolution
  • Customizable workspace layout
  • Ability to use hotkeys for faster editing
  • Enhanced visual effects processing
  • Improved video stabilization
  • Greater compatibility with video formats
  • Advanced color grading options
  • High-end animation capabilities
  • Easy access to updates and support

Advantages or Disadvantages


  1. Enhanced editing precision.
  2. Improved workflow efficiency.
  3. Better resource management.
  4. Advanced customization options.
  5. Greater flexibility.


  1. Higher cost.
  2. Reduced portability.

Final Words

Kinemaster for PC offers significant advantages for video editing enthusiasts. With its larger screen and enhanced performance, editing videos become more efficient and precise. The use of a keyboard and mouse further simplifies tasks, while the ample storage capacity of PCs eliminates concerns about file size limitations. Additionally, the ability to multitask and achieve professional-quality outputs makes Kinemaster a valuable tool for both beginners and experienced editors alike.

Overall, Kinemaster on PC enhances the video editing experience by leveraging the strengths of desktop computing. It provides a user-friendly platform where users can edit videos seamlessly, benefiting from the advanced features and capabilities that PCs offer. Whether for personal projects or professional endeavors, Kinemaster on PC stands out as a versatile and reliable choice in the realm of video editing software.